Police Minister And Presidency Deny Compromising Former President Zuma’s Security

Police Ministry spokesperson, Lirandzu Themba, responded to the accusations by stating that the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, is satisfied with the current security measures in place for Zuma.

Police Minister and President’s Office Deny Compromising Former President Zuma’s Security - The Times Post
Police Minister and President’s Office Deny Compromising Former President Zuma’s Security.

The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, and the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, have both denied accusations made by the Umkhonto Wesizwe Party (MKP) that security measures for former President Jacob Zuma have been deliberately weakened.

The police ministry has also dismissed demands from the MKP for increased VIP protection for Zuma following a recent car accident.

The MKP claims that Zuma’s convoy was targeted by a drunk motorist who intentionally drove into his armoured state vehicle. The incident occurred while Zuma was travelling from Eshowe to his Nkandla homestead after a night of campaigning for his party.

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The 51-year-old man responsible for the accident has been arrested and is expected to appear in court. In a statement, the MKP accused the African National Congress (ANC), the police, and President Ramaphosa of orchestrating a deliberate attack against Zuma.

They alleged that the ANC, through the courts, legal system, and state resources, is sabotaging and exposing the former president to danger. The MKP also expressed concern about the poor condition of Zuma’s protection services and vehicles.

The MKP spokesperson, Nhlamulo Ndhlela, highlighted a series of events that they believe are not coincidental and pose a threat to Zuma’s safety.

These events include the closure of Zuma’s FNB accounts, attempts to prevent the MKP from using the name MK, and the ANC’s failure to take action against leaders who have voted against the new party.

The MKP also pointed out that Minister Bheki Cele had an impromptu meeting with Zuma at a hotel, after which the car accident involving Zuma’s motorcade occurred.

They expressed concern over the outdated and poorly maintained state of Zuma’s security detail and vehicle fleet, contrasting it with the provisions given to other former presidents. The MKP alleges that Zuma’s home security has also been compromised and weakened.

Police Ministry spokesperson, Lirandzu Themba, responded to the accusations by stating that the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, is satisfied with the current security measures in place for Zuma.

Themba emphasized that the security deployed for Zuma’s protection is sufficient and on par with that provided for other former heads of state. The ministry considers the MKP’s call for Cele to be questioned on Zuma’s security details as reckless and out of order.

Presidential spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya, clarified that the security details of former President Zuma are the responsibility of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and not the presidency. He stated that the SAPS is responsible for the protection of sitting and former heads of state.

Both the police ministry and the presidential office have made it clear that they will not disclose any security details of current or former heads of state in South Africa.

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