Former President Zuma’s Appeal Deadline For IEC Decision Approaches

MK Party spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela stated that Zuma remains the face of the party, whether he is eligible to be on the ballot or not.

Former President Zuma's Appeal Deadline For IEC Decision Approaches - The Times Post
Former President Zuma's Appeal Deadline For IEC Decision Approaches.

Former President Jacob Zuma is facing a race against time as he has until today to appeal the decision of the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) that he may not run as a candidate in the upcoming national and provincial elections on May 29th.

The IEC recently confirmed that an objection to Zuma’s candidacy was received and upheld by the commission.

One of the grounds for disqualification, according to IEC Chairperson Mosotho Moepya, is if a person has been convicted of an offence and sentenced to more than 12 months imprisonment without the option of a fine.

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In Zuma’s case, he was sentenced to a 15-month prison term in 2021 for contempt of court. The MK Party, of which Zuma is the leader, has expressed its determination to have him in parliament, even if it means amending the constitution.

MK Party spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela stated that Zuma remains the face of the party, whether he is eligible to be on the ballot or not.

Ndhlela also warned that the will of the people should not be superseded by the constitution and suggested that the constitution could be changed to allow Zuma to participate in the elections.

In a separate incident, a 51-year-old man has been arrested in connection with a car crash involving Zuma. The crash occurred on Thursday night in Eshowe, KwaZulu-Natal, as Zuma was travelling to his Nkandla homestead after a night of campaigning for his party.

Fortunately, Zuma escaped unscathed. The alleged drunk driver collided with an armoured state vehicle that was transporting Zuma. The man has been charged with drunken driving, as well as reckless and negligent driving.

Ndhlela raised concerns about the incident, stating that this was not the first car accident involving Zuma and suggesting that there may be a deliberate attempt to assassinate the former president. Following the accident, the MK Party demanded increased VIP protection for Zuma.

However, the police ministry dismissed the request, stating that the current security measures in place for Zuma are sufficient and on par with those provided to other former heads of state.

Police Ministry spokesperson Lirandzu Themba called the party’s call for the Minister of Police to be questioned on Zuma’s security details reckless and out of order. It is worth noting that the car crash occurred just hours after the IEC barred Zuma from standing in the general elections on May 29th.

This sequence of events adds further complexity and intrigue to the already contentious political landscape in South Africa. In conclusion, former President Jacob Zuma faces a critical deadline to appeal the IEC’s decision that disqualifies him from running as a candidate in the upcoming elections.

The MK Party remains steadfast in its support of Zuma, even suggesting the possibility of amending the constitution to allow him to participate. Meanwhile, a car crash involving Zuma has raised concerns about his safety and calls for increased VIP protection.

As the political drama unfolds, South Africa awaits the outcome of Zuma’s appeal and the subsequent impact on the upcoming elections.

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