ANC’s Final Chance At Power As Thabo Mbeki Enters The Political Arena

During a memorial service for his friend and former foreign affairs minister Aziz Pahad, hosted by the ANC at the University of Johannesburg, Mbeki expressed his dissatisfaction with the party's lack of action and implementation of its renewal project.

ANC's Final Chance At Power As Thabo Mbeki Enters The Political Arena - The Times Post
ANC's Final Chance At Power As Thabo Mbeki Enters The Political Arena.

In a bid to secure victory in the upcoming national and provincial elections in 2024, the African National Congress (ANC) has enlisted the support of former president Thabo Mbeki.

Mbeki, along with former ANC deputy president Kgalema Motlanthe, will be leading the party’s campaign trail in Soweto, Gauteng, a key battleground for political parties, The Times Post has learned.

The ANC, the ruling party in South Africa, is leaving no stone unturned in its efforts to remain in power. By deploying party veterans like Mbeki and Motlanthe, the ANC aims to galvanize the various communities and encourage citizens to vote for the party.

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The ANC has been actively campaigning since last year, promising citizens a better life, job opportunities, improved businesses, and access to essential services such as water and electricity.

Despite Mbeki initially being non-committal about his involvement in the ANC’s campaign, he eventually agreed to lend his support, citing his obligation to the party.

During a memorial service for his friend and former foreign affairs minister Aziz Pahad, hosted by the ANC at the University of Johannesburg, Mbeki expressed his dissatisfaction with the party’s lack of action and implementation of its renewal project.

He criticized President Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC for failing to follow through on the resolutions made at the party’s elective conferences in 2017 and 2022.

Despite these internal challenges, the ANC remains confident in its ability to retain power and continue governing the country.

The ANC’s decision to bring in heavyweights like Mbeki and Motlanthe is a strategic move to appeal to voters and counter any opposition from rival political parties. By leveraging the influence and experience of these party veterans, the ANC hopes to sway undecided voters and solidify its support base.

Gauteng, particularly Soweto, is a crucial battleground for political parties due to its large population and diverse demographics. The ANC’s campaign in this region is vital for securing a majority in both the national and provincial elections.

The party’s promises of a better life for all, job creation, and improved access to essential services resonate with voters who have been yearning for positive change. The ANC aims to address the concerns and aspirations of the citizens, positioning itself as the party capable of delivering on these promises.

The national and provincial elections, scheduled for May 29, are of utmost importance for the ANC. The outcome will determine the party’s future and its ability to govern the country for another term.

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