President Ramaphosa Calls For An End To Arming Israel And Hamas Conflict

Since the October 7th attack by Hamas and the subsequent retaliatory attacks by the Israeli Defence Force, thousands of people from Palestine and Israel have lost their lives.

President Ramaphosa Calls For An End To Arming Israel And Hamas Conflict - The Times Post
President Ramaphosa Calls For An End To Arming Israel And Hamas Conflict.

President Cyril Ramaphosa recently addressed the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine during the Cairo Peace Summit in Egypt. He expressed his concern that countries supplying arms to both sides were only prolonging the conflict.

He also emphasized the need for the international community to shift its focus towards reviving the Israel-Palestine peace talks.

Since the October 7th attack by Hamas and the subsequent retaliatory attacks by the Israeli Defence Force, thousands of people from Palestine and Israel have lost their lives.

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The United States of America and the UK are among the largest suppliers of military support to Israel in the past two weeks.

President Ramaphosa highlighted that the arming of either the Israeli or Palestinian militant group, Hamas, undermines the peace process. He called on state actors to immediately stop the provision of weapons, as it undermines the promise of peace.

According to Vincent Magwenya, the Presidential spokesperson, President Ramaphosa has decried the escalation of the conflict by those arming either of the warring parties.

He emphasized the urgent need for the provision of weapons to cease, as it exacerbates the situation and hampers the chances of achieving a peaceful resolution.

The United Nations has declared the situation in Gaza as a humanitarian crisis, with millions of Palestinians suffering from a lack of food, water, and electricity. The ongoing conflict has only worsened their plight, leaving them in dire need of immediate assistance.

President Ramaphosa’s call for an end to arming Israel and Hamas is a significant step towards resolving the conflict. The international community has a crucial role to play in facilitating peace talks and providing humanitarian aid to the affected regions.

The United Nations, in particular, must take a leading role in addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Immediate action is needed to ensure that the basic needs of the Palestinian people are met, including access to food, water, and electricity.

Furthermore, diplomatic efforts should be intensified to bring both parties back to the negotiating table.

The resumption of peace talks is essential for finding a long-term solution that addresses the root causes of the conflict and ensures the rights and security of both Israelis and Palestinians.


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