Bheki Cele Gives Controversial Update About AKA Murder Investigation

Cele's statement about needing to get "that particular person" raises a few questions. Who is this person? Why are they so elusive? And most importantly, why hasn't the police force been able to catch them yet?

Bheki Cele Gives Controversial Update About AKA Murder Investigation - The Times Post
Bheki Cele Gives Controversial Update About AKA Murder Investigation.

It’s been over 10 months since the shocking “execution-style” killings of rapper Kiernan “AKA” Jarryd Forbes and his friend, celeb chef Tebello “Tibz” Motsoane.

The nation has been waiting with bated breath for the South African Police Service (Saps) to crack the high-profile murder case. Unfortunately, their progress has been met with heavy criticism from the public, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), and even criminologists.

In an attempt to dodge the relentless bullets of scrutiny, Police Minister Bheki Cele provided a progress update on the murder investigation during a media briefing in Cape Town.

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According to Cele, the investigation is now at an advanced stage, and it’s just “a matter of time” before the culprits are brought to justice.

He confidently declared, “The fact that the getaway car was found, the gun itself has been found, some of the witnesses are in protection order, means it’s a case that has really covered some ground. We just need to get that particular person.”

Hold on a second, Minister Bheki Cele. Didn’t you tell Metro FM talk show host Faith Mangope something slightly different just two weeks ago? In that interview, you revealed, “We have found the getaway car, the gun has been found.

“They have found two people that I know for sure, those people have been kept very safe because they know very well what happened that particular day.”

Now, I’m not one to jump to conclusions, but it seems like there’s a bit of inconsistency here. Either the investigation has taken a few steps back, or Bheki Cele has a penchant for changing his tune. Let’s hope it’s the former.

While finding the getaway car and the murder weapon are undoubtedly significant breakthroughs, it’s crucial to remember that they are just pieces of the puzzle. The real challenge lies in identifying and apprehending the person responsible for these heinous crimes.

Cele’s statement about needing to get “that particular person” raises a few questions. Who is this person? Why are they so elusive? And most importantly, why hasn’t the police force been able to catch them yet?

Understandably, the public is growing impatient. We live in an era of instant gratification, where we expect answers and results at the snap of our fingers.

But let’s not forget that solving a murder case, especially one as high-profile as this, requires meticulous investigation and attention to detail. It’s not as simple as pressing a button and voila, the culprit is caught.

However, it’s also important to hold the police accountable for their actions, or in some cases, their lack thereof. The EFF and criminologists have been vocal about their dissatisfaction with the progress of the investigation.

And they have every right to voice their concerns. The public deserves transparency and reassurance that justice will be served. So, Minister Cele, we’re all ears. We want to believe that the investigation is indeed at an advanced stage and that the culprits will be brought to book soon.

But we also want consistency in your updates. It’s confusing when one week you’re saying two people have been found, and the next week you’re saying you just need to get “that particular person.”

We understand that you can’t reveal all the details of an ongoing investigation, but a little more clarity and consistency would go a long way in reassuring the public. We need to know that progress is being made and that justice will prevail.

Until then, we’ll continue to wait, hoping that the pieces of this puzzling murder case fall into place sooner rather than later. AKA and Tibz deserve justice, and the nation deserves closure.

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