Ivana Hewana Announces The Arrival Of Her Baby Girl

"My baby girl has made me a mom of three. Every second of these past two months have been a joy. I feel so loved and favored. Life has been fun, even with the little sleep I'm getting."

Ivana Hewana Announces The Arrival Of Her Baby Girl - The Times Post
Ivana Hewana Announces The Arrival Of Her Baby Girl.

Oh, the joys of parenthood! The sleepless nights, the endless diaper changes, and the overwhelming love that fills your heart. Media personality Ivana Hewana recently took to Instagram to share the exciting news of her new arrival – a beautiful baby girl.

According to Ivana, she welcomed her little bundle of joy two months ago, but she couldn’t contain her excitement any longer. In her heartfelt post, she expressed the familiar feeling of becoming a mother for the third time.

“I’ve been here before. By the third time, it’s familiar. I know what to expect and how to handle it. But nothing prepares you for the new person whose life is now in your hands. Nothing prepares you for the amount of love that you, so fortunately, get to experience every day.”

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Being a mom of three is a whole new adventure for Ivana. She proudly shared, “Now I get to raise a beautiful woman.

“My baby girl has made me a mom of three. Every second of these past two months have been a joy. I feel so loved and favored. Life has been fun, even with the little sleep I’m getting.”

Announcing the pregnancy back in August, Ivana and her husband were over the moon with excitement. Already parents to two boys, they were ready to welcome another addition to their growing family.

Ivana expressed her gratitude for the journey of pregnancy, saying, “While every pregnancy is different, I appreciate how each being aids me to become acquainted with the most beautiful parts of myself.

“Morning sickness, awkward sleepless nights, a million bathroom trips, Braxton Hicks contractions, all felt — but to know and feel a love and miracle growing within me is probably one of the greatest and most spiritual experiences ever (that’s why silapha again for the third time).”

Despite the challenges that come with pregnancy, Ivana believes it’s all worth it. She eagerly awaits the moment she gets to meet her little angel, knowing that the love and joy she will experience will surpass any sleepless night or discomfort she may face.

Congratulations to Ivana Hewana and her family on the arrival of their baby girl! May this new chapter of their lives be filled with endless love, laughter, and beautiful memories.


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