Kgalema Motlanthe Clarifies Controversial Remark On ANC Losing Power

“In 2017, I did make the point that perhaps the ANC has lost the ability to hear the cries and criticism of its support base and that perhaps that message would be made loud and clear if the ANC were to lose elections."

Kgalema Motlanthe Clarifies Controversial Remark On ANC Losing Power - The Times Post
Kgalema Motlanthe Clarifies Controversial Remark On ANC Losing Power.

Former ANC deputy president, Kgalema Motlanthe, has explained his 2017 remark in which he stated that it would be beneficial for the party to lose an election.

Speaking during his campaign trail in Gauteng on Friday, Motlanthe clarified that his comment was born out of frustration with the ANC’s inability to address the concerns of the people.

In 2017, Motlanthe expressed his belief that the ANC had become “associated” with corruption and needed to experience a loss for the “penny to drop.”

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However, he now clarifies that his intention was not to predict or wish for the ANC’s defeat, but rather to urge the party’s leadership to listen to the cries and criticisms of its support base.

Kgalema Motlanthe emphasized the importance of understanding the context in which his comment was made.

He stressed that his remark was a plea for the ANC to open its ears and pay attention to the ordinary people’s grievances. He also made it clear that despite his concerns, he still intended to vote for the ANC.

The ANC is currently fighting to maintain its majority in the upcoming general election on May 29.

Speculation suggests that the party may fall below 50% nationally for the first time since 1994. Motlanthe’s explanation aims to provide clarity and dispel any confusion surrounding his previous statement.

It is crucial to consider the circumstances and intentions behind a remark to avoid misinterpretation. Motlanthe’s clarification highlights the need for the ANC to address the concerns of its support base and reconnect with the people it represents.

Here is what he said and how he said it: “In 2017, I did make the point that perhaps the ANC has lost the ability to hear the cries and criticism of its support base and that perhaps that message would be made loud and clear if the ANC were to lose elections.

“It wasn’t a prediction or a wish but rather a plea to the leadership of the ANC to open up its ears and hear the cries of the ordinary people.

“It’s always important to have the context about at what point was a certain comment made, to what end, and in that way, there is no confusion about it. So, there is no contradiction because even then I said I was going to vote for the ANC.”

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