Jacob Zuma Advices ANC To Change President So People Can Vote The Party

"I've realized that my leaders have seemingly strayed from the path 'we' showed them. When you speak to them, they don't listen."

Jacob Zuma Advices ANC To Change President So People Can Vote The Party - The Times Post
Jacob Zuma Advices ANC To Change President So People Can Vote The Party.

Former president Jacob Zuma recently made a bold statement, declaring that the African National Congress (ANC) no longer fulfills the needs of the South African people. Speaking at a campaign event for the newly formed uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party in Mkhondo, Mpumalanga, Zuma expressed his dissatisfaction with the current state of the ANC.

Zuma voiced his concerns to the hundreds in attendance, stating that the government has lost its way and no longer listens to the citizens it is meant to serve. He emphasized that the ANC has strayed from its primary mandate of improving the lives of South Africans and called for a change in leadership.

Feeling frustrated with the deterioration he witnessed, Zuma declared, “I’ve realized that my leaders have seemingly strayed from the path ‘we’ showed them. When you speak to them, they don’t listen.” This sentiment reflects his disappointment with the current state of affairs and his desire for a more responsive government.

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Furthermore, Zuma made headlines when he publicly announced that he would not be voting for the ANC in the upcoming elections. Instead, he pledged his support to the MK Party, which he believes better represents the interests of the people.

Zuma’s endorsement of the newly formed party extends beyond his vote; he has taken on the role of campaigning for the MK Party as well.

In his address, Jacob Zuma criticized the ANC’s leadership, suggesting that they should not only be concerned about losing votes but also acknowledge that they have chosen the wrong president.

He urged the party to remove the current president so that the people could vote for the ANC once again.

Meanwhile, the All African Alliance Movement (AAAM) recently announced its endorsement of the MK Party, allying with the newly established organization. The AAAM, which is based on religious principles, is relatively new to the political landscape, having been established in 2022.

During a gathering in Soweto, Johannesburg, AAAM General Secretary Bishop Meshack Thebe encouraged supporters to unite and vote for the MK Party. Thebe emphasized the importance of achieving a two-thirds majority and called for a joint effort to support the uMkhonto WeSizwe Party.

Zuma also raised concerns about the secrecy of the voting system, suggesting that a change may be necessary. He questioned why votes are not counted in full view of the public, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability in the electoral process.

Jacob Zuma’s call for change and his decision to support the MK Party underscore the growing discontent within the ANC and the desire for a more responsive and effective government.

As the political landscape evolves, it remains to be seen how these developments will impact the upcoming elections and the future of South African politics.

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