EFF Say Palestinians Have The Right To Defend Their Own Land

One of the protesters, Nazim Omar, carried a toy AK47 to symbolize the sentiment that sometimes guns become the only solution for oppressed people.

EFF Say Palestinians Have The Right To Defend Their Own Land - The Times Post
EFF Say Palestinians Have The Right To Defend Their Own Land.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) on Monday expressed their support for the people of Palestine, stating that they have the right to defend themselves against Israeli occupation.

The ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel has resulted in the loss of thousands of lives along the Gaza Strip since the 7 October attack.

According to the Palestinian health ministry, the retaliatory attacks from the Israeli defense force have claimed the lives of over 4,300 people in Palestine, while the Israeli government reports a death toll of just over 1,400.

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In a show of solidarity, hundreds of people gathered for the EFF’s picket outside the Embassy of Israel in Pretoria, South Africa.

Veronica Mente, the EFF national chairperson, emphasized that peaceful revolutions are often not possible in situations like these.

She stated, ‘The Palestinians have the right to defend their own land, but the violence and oppression they are facing are unwarranted.

When people are attacked based on their race or beliefs, they have every right to defend themselves.’

One of the protesters, Nazim Omar, carried a toy AK47 to symbolize the sentiment that sometimes guns become the only solution for oppressed people.

The picket outside the Israeli embassy was closely monitored by a large contingent of police officers who were deployed to ensure the safety of all involved.


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