DA Supporters Speak Out On Why They Are Rooting For The Party In 2024 Polls 

“The party has structures around the country. They’ve got a very well researched policy suite. They are the most diverse party in the country and I think they can take this country forward."

DA Supporters Speak Out On Why They Are Rooting For The Party In 2024 Polls - The Times Post
DA Supporters Speak Out On Why They Are Rooting For The Party In 2024 Polls.

Sandy Van Hoogstraten, a resident of Cape Town and a supporter of the Democratic Alliance (DA), believes that the party is the best choice to address the issue of poverty in South Africa.

With more than 30 million South Africans living in poverty, Van Hoogstraten sees the DA as the only party capable of bringing about significant change on a massive scale. According to Van Hoogstraten, the key to lifting people out of poverty lies in fostering a growing economy that creates jobs.

She emphasizes the need for an energy system that provides reliable and affordable electricity, as well as an education system that ensures every child has a fair start in life. Van Hoogstraten firmly believes that the DA is the only party equipped to address these crucial issues.

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Van Hoogstraten asserts that what South Africa needs is a government that genuinely cares about its people. She believes that the DA is the party that can deliver results and get things done.

The party has a proven track record of effective governance, which sets it apart from other political contenders. Van Hoogstraten’s support for the DA stems from her desire to vote for the party that will prioritize the needs of the poor and marginalized.

Although Sandy Van Hoogstraten herself is financially secure, having attended a private school and possessing a car and medical aid, she emphasizes that her vote is not for personal gain.

Instead, she votes for the people who need representation the most – the poor. Van Hoogstraten recognizes the importance of using her vote to uplift those in need and believes that the DA is the party best suited to advocate for their interests.

Van Hoogstraten highlights several strengths of the Democratic Alliance that reinforce her support for the party. Firstly, she commends the DA’s extensive organizational structures throughout the country.

These structures enable the party to effectively reach and engage with communities across South Africa.

Furthermore, Van Hoogstraten appreciates the DA’s well-researched policy suite. The party’s policies are informed by thorough research, ensuring that they are evidence-based and designed to address the country’s most pressing challenges.

Another aspect that resonates with Van Hoogstraten is the DA’s commitment to diversity. She believes that the party’s inclusivity and diverse representation make it the most representative political organization in the country.

Moreover, Van Hoogstraten praises the DA for its collaborative approach. The party formed a multi-party charter with other like-minded parties, emphasizing their shared core values. One of the most critical core values is the respect for the rule of law.

Van Hoogstraten recognizes that a party that disregards the rule of law can lead to chaos, which is detrimental to both domestic stability and foreign investment.

Van Hoogstraten firmly believes that a stable and orderly environment is essential for attracting investors, which, in turn, leads to job creation. She asserts that without investors, no jobs can be created, making the DA’s commitment to the rule of law vital for South Africa’s economic development.

Van Hoogstraten concludes by emphasizing her commitment to voting for the party that she believes will do the best job of addressing poverty and uplifting the poor.

She asserts that if the DA were to cease being that party, and another party were to step up and champion the needs of the poor more effectively, she would not hesitate to switch her allegiance.

For Sandy Van Hoogstraten, her vote is a powerful tool to advocate for those who need it the most. She sees the DA as the party that aligns with her values and priorities, and she trusts that they can bring about positive change for South Africa.

In her words, “We need a government that gets stuff done. The only party which actually has a proven track record of getting stuff done is the DA. I’m voting for the people who need government most, which are the poor people.

“I’m not voting for myself because I’m actually okay. I went to a private school, I have a car and I’ve got medical aid. I’m voting for the people who need the vote. That’s why I’m voting for the DA.

“The party has structures around the country. They’ve got a very well researched policy suite. They are the most diverse party in the country and I think they can take this country forward.

“I’m very happy that a year in advance they formed a Multi-Party Charter with other parties which share their core values, with the most important core value being respect for the rule of law.”

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