Jacob Zuma Suspension From ANC And Way Forward For The Former President

The party invoked rule 25.60 of its constitution, which allows for the immediate suspension of a member under exceptional circumstances without eliciting their response.

Jacob Zuma Suspension From ANC And Way Forward For The Former President - The Times Post
Jacob Zuma Suspension From ANC And Way Forward For The Former President.

In a significant blow to Jacob Zuma’s political career, the African National Congress (ANC) suspended his membership immediately. This decision comes as a result of Zuma publicly announcing his support for another party, the newly established uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party, which is a clear violation of the ANC constitution.

The ANC National Executive Committee (NEC) unanimously confirmed the suspension, citing Zuma’s active efforts to undermine the integrity of the ANC and campaign against the party while still claiming membership. The party invoked rule 25.60 of its constitution, which allows for the immediate suspension of a member under exceptional circumstances without eliciting their response.

However, the ANC opted for a disciplinary process rather than immediate expulsion for Zuma. While this process may take time, Zuma now faces a crucial decision – whether to appear before the ANC National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) or challenge the suspension altogether.

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This disciplinary process mirrors the one faced by former Free State premier Ace Magashule, who was found guilty of contravening the ANC constitution by failing to withdraw and apologize for his decision to suspend party president Cyril Ramaphosa. Magashule was subsequently dismissed from the party.

It is worth noting that the process to hold Magashule accountable was marred by numerous delays and extended over several months. The ANC began the process in November 2021, approximately six months after Magashule failed to retract his suspension of Ramaphosa.

Reacting to the ANC’s decision to suspend Zuma, MK spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela stated that, to his knowledge, Zuma remained a member of the ANC. Ndhlela mentioned that they had seen social media reports of Zuma’s suspension but had not received any official communication from the ANC regarding the matter.

He refrained from commenting on whether Zuma would challenge the suspension.

The suspension of Jacob Zuma marks a significant turning point in his political career. As the first former ANC president to face suspension, Zuma finds himself losing ground both nationally and in the party. The ANC’s decision to suspend rather than expel him reflects a desire to follow due process and allow for a fair disciplinary procedure.

While the outcome of the disciplinary process remains uncertain, Zuma’s options are limited. Appearing before the NDC would require him to defend his actions and potentially face further consequences if found guilty. Conversely, challenging the suspension could lead to a protracted legal battle and further damage to his reputation.

For now, Zuma must carefully consider his next move. The ANC, as the ruling party, holds significant influence and power in South Africa’s political landscape. Zuma’s suspension raises questions about his future within the party and his ability to regain political relevance.

As the process unfolds, the public and political observers will closely watch how Zuma navigates this challenging situation. The outcome will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications not only for Zuma himself but also for the ANC and the broader political landscape of South Africa.

It remains to be seen whether Zuma will cooperate with the ANC’s disciplinary process or take a more confrontational approach. Whatever path he chooses, the suspension marks a significant setback for the former president and a moment that will shape the future trajectory of his political career.

This article was submitted to The Times Post by one of our opinion contributors. The views and positions portrayed in this article belong wholly to the writer, not The Times Post’s position. 

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