Rachel Kolisi’s Brain Went Into Overdrive Over Instagram Account

She welcomes new followers to the ride, reminding them that she is not just a number on a screen. She is Rachel - a passionate learner, a grower, and a flawed yet extraordinary human being.

Rachel Kolisi's Brain Went Into Overdrive Over Instagram Account - The Times Post
Rachel Kolisi's Brain Went Into Overdrive Over Instagram Account.

It’s no secret that social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use it to connect, to share, and sometimes, to seek validation. And when it comes to Instagram, the number of followers can often feel like a measure of our worth.

So, when Rachel Kolisi, the vibrant and unapologetically real woman, noticed a significant drop in her follower count, it’s no wonder that her brain went into overdrive.

In a heartfelt post on Instagram, Rachel shared her initial reaction to the drop in followers. She questioned herself, wondering if she was posting too much or not enough. Should she put more effort into her aesthetic? Should she ask her followers what they want to see? The self-doubt and uncertainty flooded her mind.

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But then, Rachel took a step back and reflected on why she opened her social media accounts in the first place. She reminded herself of the first and most important rule she had set for herself – to share who she truly is. Not to try to be like anyone else, and most importantly, not to fear being vulnerable.

With this realization, Rachel found clarity and peace. She confessed that she had never cared about the number of followers or who followed her, until that moment of panic. What mattered to her was staying true to herself and sharing her authentic journey. She would rather have people relate to her than wish to be her.

And isn’t that the beauty of social media? It’s not about the numbers or the external validation; it’s about connecting with others on a deeper level. It’s about finding a community of like-minded individuals who appreciate and resonate with your true self.

Rachel’s reflection serves as a powerful reminder to all of us. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with carefully curated images and highlight reels, it’s easy to lose sight of our own authenticity. We may find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of more followers, more likes, and more external validation.

But at the end of the day, what truly matters is being true to ourselves. It’s about embracing our flaws, our vulnerabilities, and our unique journeys. It’s about sharing our stories, our passions, and our experiences in a way that resonates with others.

So, whether you have a thousand followers or just a handful, remember that your worth is not determined by a number. Your worth lies in your authenticity, your vulnerability, and your willingness to share your true self with the world.

Amid a year that has been filled with challenges and life-changing moments, Rachel Kolisi expresses her gratitude to her followers for their kindness, support, and gentleness.

Rachel Kolisi welcomes new followers to the ride, reminding them that she is not just a number on a screen. She is Rachel – a passionate learner, a grower, and a flawed yet extraordinary human being.

So, the next time you find yourself worrying about your follower count or seeking validation through social media, take a page out of Rachel Kolisi’s book. Embrace your true self, share your story, and remember that your worth goes far beyond the numbers.

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