Etwatwa Police Officer’s Intoxication Incident Sparks Outrage | WATCH

Lieutenant General Tommy Mthombeni, the provincial commissioner of Gauteng, conveyed gratitude towards the community members who brought the officer's behaviour to the attention of the police management.

Etwatwa Police Officer's Intoxication Incident Sparks Outrage | WATCH - The Times Post
Etwatwa Police Officer's Intoxication Incident Sparks Outrage.

An incident involving a police officer from the Etwatwa police station has sparked outrage after a video surfaced on social media showing the officer in an intoxicated state inside a police vehicle.

The video, which has been widely circulated, depicts the officer seated in the back of the vehicle with what seems to be a bucket and a bottle of Skyy vodka placed on the front passenger seat.

The person recording the video can be heard alleging that the officer was driving slowly around the Etwatwa township while under the influence.

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The Gauteng police management expressed deep concern and disappointment upon learning about the video.

Lieutenant Colonel Mavela Masondo, a spokesperson for the Gauteng police, confirmed that an investigation verified the vehicle to be the property of the Etwatwa police station, and the officer in question, a constable attached to the same station, was the one driving it at the time of the incident.

Masondo further stated, “The member was not authorised to drive the state vehicle at the time.

“Immediate action was taken, and the member has since been charged criminally with offences that include driving while under the influence of alcohol, driving a state vehicle without the owner’s consent, as well as reckless and negligent driving.”

Additionally, it was disclosed that a departmental case has been initiated against the constable.

Lieutenant General Tommy Mthombeni, the provincial commissioner of Gauteng, conveyed gratitude towards the community members who brought the officer’s behaviour to the attention of the police management.

He emphasized that such conduct by a police officer would not be tolerated, stating, “Police resources, including police vehicles, are meant to serve the community and accelerate service delivery. The abuse and misuse of state resources will not be tolerated.”

Watch the video”

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