Gordhan Reassures Employees Of SAA’s Future And Defies Doubters

This shift in approach reflects a strategic focus on financial sustainability and reducing the burden on taxpayers. Mnyandu emphasized that SAA has already made significant progress in its rebuilding efforts.

Gordhan Reassures Employees Of SAA's Future And Defies Doubters - The Times Post
Gordhan Reassures Employees Of SAA's Future And Defies Doubters.

In his address to SAA staff, Minister Gordhan outlined the steps being taken to ensure the airline’s stability and growth. He acknowledged the recent setback with the collapse of the partnership deal with the Takatso consortium but emphasized that this would not deter the airline’s progress.

Gordhan assured the employees that SAA is here to stay and will continue to operate and expand.

To address the financial challenges faced by the airline, the executive team is actively exploring ways to raise capital. This includes seeking private investors and exploring potential partnerships that can provide the necessary funding to support SAA’s operations.

The Minister expressed his confidence in the airline’s management and ability to navigate these challenges.

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Furthermore, Gordhan highlighted the importance of unity among the staff in proving the naysayers wrong. He urged the employees to work together and demonstrate their commitment to the success of SAA.

The Minister emphasized that the airline has a promising future and that by working collectively, they can overcome the obstacles and ensure the long-term viability of the national carrier.

Echoing Gordhan’s sentiments, Public Enterprises spokesperson, Ellis Mnyandu, reiterated the commitment to rebuild SAA and transform it into a profitable entity. He emphasized that the airline will no longer rely on government bailouts but aims to generate sufficient profits to pay dividends to the government.

This shift in approach reflects a strategic focus on financial sustainability and reducing the burden on taxpayers. Mnyandu emphasized that SAA has already made significant progress in its rebuilding efforts.

The airline has implemented cost-saving measures and operational efficiencies to streamline its operations. These efforts have resulted in improved financial performance, and the executive team is optimistic about the airline’s prospects.

Minister Gordhan outlined a comprehensive strategy that includes several key initiatives to achieve zero tolerance for corruption within SAA. Firstly, he emphasized the need for a thorough investigation into all allegations of corruption within the airline.

This would involve conducting internal audits, engaging external auditors, and collaborating with law enforcement agencies to gather evidence and hold those responsible accountable.

Additionally, Minister Gordhan stressed the importance of implementing robust anti-corruption policies and procedures. This would involve establishing clear guidelines and protocols for procurement processes, financial transactions, and employee conduct.

By ensuring that these policies are strictly enforced, SAA can create a culture of integrity and deter corrupt practices. Furthermore, Minister Gordhan highlighted the significance of creating a whistleblower protection program within SAA.

This program would encourage employees and stakeholders to come forward with information about corrupt activities, while also providing them with the necessary safeguards and support.

By fostering an environment where individuals feel safe to report corruption, SAA can effectively identify and address any wrongdoing. Moreover, Minister Gordhan emphasized the importance of promoting transparency and accountability throughout the organization.

This would involve regular reporting and disclosure of financial information, as well as conducting independent audits to ensure compliance with regulations and best practices. By being open and accountable, SAA can rebuild public trust and demonstrate its commitment to eradicating corruption.

Lastly, Minister Gordhan highlighted the need for ongoing training and education on ethics and anti-corruption measures. This would involve providing SAA employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and prevent corrupt practices.

By investing in the development of its workforce, SAA can create a strong ethical foundation that will help combat corruption at all levels of the organization.

Last week, Gordhan provided insights into the government’s decision to scrap the deal that would have sold 51% of SAA to the Takatso consortium. He outlined three primary reasons for this decision:

  1. Ensuring a fair value for the sale of the 51% shares: The government aims to secure a fair value that reflects the true worth of the airline. This is crucial to protect the interests of both the government and the taxpayers. The government wants to ensure that the sale of the shares is not undervalued, as this would result in a loss for the public funds invested in the airline over the years. By seeking a fair value, the government can maximize the return on its investment and ensure that the sale is in the best interest of the country.
  2. Securing public interest in fair value: It is crucial to protect the public’s interest and ensure that any transaction benefits the broader society. The government wants to ensure that the sale of the shares does not result in any negative consequences for the public. This includes safeguarding jobs, maintaining affordable air travel options, and preserving the national carrier’s ability to contribute to the country’s economy. By securing public interest in the fair value, the government can ensure that the sale of the shares aligns with the broader goals and objectives of the country.
  3. Placing the airline in a more sustainable position: The government’s objective is to position SAA in a way that ensures its long-term sustainability, surpassing its previous state in 2019. This involves addressing the underlying issues that have plagued the airline in the past, such as financial mismanagement, operational inefficiencies, and a lack of strategic direction. By scrapping the Takatso consortium deal, the government has the opportunity to reassess the airline’s future and implement necessary changes to improve its overall performance and viability. This includes exploring alternative financing options, restructuring the organization, and implementing effective management practices.

Gordhan further stated that SAA is currently in a sustainable position for the next year to 18 months. However, should additional financing be required, alternative methods will be explored to secure the necessary funds.

This demonstrates the government’s commitment to ensuring the long-term viability of the airline and its determination to avoid a situation where SAA once again finds itself in financial distress.

By exploring alternative financing options, the government can tap into new sources of funding and reduce its reliance on traditional methods, which may not be feasible or sustainable in the long run.

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