Life Sentence Plus 38 Years For Security Guard In 2018 Farm Murder Case

Du Plessis was charged with murder, three counts of attempted murder, and possession of an unlicensed firearm. He denied the charges, claiming he believed the young men were thieves.

Life Sentence Plus 38 Years For Security Guard In 2018 Farm Murder Case - The Times Post
Life Sentence Plus 38 Years For Security Guard In 2018 Farm Murder Case.

A private security employee named Sarel du Plessis was slammed with a life sentence plus 38 years for the 2018 murder of 18-year-old Bhekimuzi.

This tragic event unfolded in the Komatipoort area, where du Plessis, suspecting the young man of attempting to steal fruit from a litchi farm, took fatal action.

On December 5, 2018, Bhekimuzi, his brother, and two friends entered the farm in search of employment opportunities. However, their quest for work turned deadly when they encountered du Plessis, who accused them of theft.

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According to court testimonies, du Plessis drove towards the group, stopped his vehicle, and opened fire, resulting in Bhekimuzi’s death while the other three young men fled.

Du Plessis was charged with murder, three counts of attempted murder, and possession of an unlicensed firearm. He denied the charges, claiming he believed the young men were thieves.

However, the court concluded that du Plessis had misused his authority as a security employee. The testimonies of the survivors and the emotional accounts from Bhekimuzi’s mother played a pivotal role in the court’s decision.

Judge Nelisa Phiwokazi Mali of the Mpumalanga High Court emphasized that the sentence should serve as a societal deterrent.

Du Plessis received life imprisonment for murder, ten years for each count of attempted murder, five years for possessing an unlicensed firearm, and three years for possessing ammunition. The sentences will run concurrently, ensuring that du Plessis will serve life imprisonment.

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