Accused In Joshlin Smith Missing Trial Will Remain Behind Bars Until Investigation Is Concluded

"We are here to stand with the community, to make our voices heard, and to ensure that this issue does not disappear. It could have been anyone's child. My heart is breaking for Joshlin; she doesn't deserve this."

Accused In Joshlin Smith Missing Trial Will Remain Behind Bars Until Investigation Is Concluded - The Times Post
Accused In Joshlin Smith Missing Trial Will Remain Behind Bars Until Investigation Is Concluded.

The Vredenburg Magistrate’s Court heard on Monday that the state is still in the process of analyzing cellphone and forensics data in the ongoing investigation into the disappearance of 6-year-old Joshlin Smith.

Joshlin’s mother, Kelly Smith, appeared in court alongside her boyfriend, Jacquen Appolis, and co-accused Steveno Van Rhyn and Lourentia Lombaard.

State advocate Aradhana Heeramun informed the court that all information retrieved by the South African Police Service (SAPS) is currently being followed up on. Forensic reports have been received and cellphone data has been downloaded.

[ Four Suspects, Including Her Mother, Appear In Court Over Joslin Smith’s Disappearance ]

“The state is in the process of analyzing the data. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the state will be in a better position to indicate the status of the investigation,” Heeramun stated.

Both legal aid lawyers representing the accused agreed to a postponement, and the accused are expected to return to court on 15 July.

Outside the court, security was tight, and a small group of supporters waited in anticipation for the court proceedings to begin. Residents expressed their hope that the accused would not be released before revealing the whereabouts of Joshlin Smith.

“They must just tell us where the child is. It’s been months, and that little girl is still missing. This is unacceptable. What mother would do this to their child?” said resident Miche Adonis.

Shamiela Titus, another resident, took time off work to show support at the court and emphasized the importance of ensuring that this issue does not fade away.

“We are here to stand with the community, to make our voices heard, and to ensure that this issue does not disappear. It could have been anyone’s child. My heart is breaking for Joshlin; she doesn’t deserve this,” Titus said.

Security guards and a handful of public order police were present at the entrance to the court, maintaining a watchful eye. A Patriotic Alliance van was also seen outside the building, with several party supporters inside.

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